Dinner: Greater than the sum of it's parts.

Dinner: Greater than the Sum of it’s Parts. A publication and screen-printed table cloth to showcase and celebrate the joys of eating. The book initially focusses on recorded interactions of one particular meal, including conversations, movement around the table and sensory enjoyment. When the book is reversed it can be read again, however this time the narrative excludes any detail of the meal, focussing only on a speedy, mindless eating experience.

Dinner: Greater than the Sum of it’s Parts.
A publication and screen-printed table cloth to showcase and celebrate the joys of eating. 
The book initially focusses on recorded interactions of one particular meal, including 
conversations, movement around the table and sensory enjoyment. When the book is 
reversed it can be read again, however this time the narrative excludes any detail of 
the meal, focussing only on a speedy, mindless eating experience.
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